
Vitamix aer disc container 48 oz
Vitamix aer disc container 48 oz

vitamix aer disc container 48 oz

It can han­dle a min­i­mum of 1 cup of liq­uid ingre­di­ents, so this con­tain­er’s pri­ma­ry pur­pose is to serve 1–4 peo­ple house­holds.

  • It can han­dle a max­i­mum of 1.5–2 cups to per­form dry chop­ping func­tions and may require run­ning a few cycles for chop­ping big batches.
  • Make thick recipes like ice cream, hum­mus, and nut but­ter from a min­i­mum of 3 cups.
  • Can make recipes with min­i­mum vol­umes of ¾ cups and suit­able for prepar­ing may­on­naise, pesto, sal­ad dress­ing, mari­nades, and others.
  • Can effi­cient­ly process 1–6 cups of food.
  • The con­tain­ers have the fol­low­ing pros and cons: The 48 oz Nar­row Bot­tom con­tain­er’s shape and pur­pose are iden­ti­cal to the 64 oz Wide Bot­tom con­tain­er but have a small­er con­tain­er capac­i­ty and small­er blades. The con­tain­ers come with clear plas­tic, a vent­ed lid, and 2 ounces mea­sur­ing cap the cap can be removed dur­ing blend­ing to add extra ingredients. It has a size of 6.5 x 8 x 10 inch­es and weighs only 2 lb. Both of them are equipped with the 3″ blades per­ma­nent­ly built into the con­tain­er. Wet Blade Nar­row Bot­tom con­tain­ers are avail­able now - made from an East­man Tri­tan Copoly­ester and a Stain­less Steel.

    vitamix aer disc container 48 oz

    It is suit­able for big house­holds that serve 4–7 people. How­ev­er, it has a ten (10) years war­ran­ty on all blender parts when it comes to the blender.


    The con­tain­er comes with three (3) years full war­ran­ty if bought sep­a­rate­ly. Requires a min­i­mum of 4.5–6 cups vol­umes to process thick recipes for sauces, hum­mus, ice cream, and nut butter.Can­not blend liq­uids prop­er­ly of less than 3–4 cups.Splash­es a lot for vol­umes less than 4–6 cups.Good at chop­ping large up to 8 cups batch­es of food.Less use of tam­per for thick recipes because wider blades cre­ate bet­ter vortex.Pro­cess­ing all recipes at a short­er time than 3 “blades containers.Process large batch­es of food in one cycle of 4–7.5 cups.The 64 ounces con­tain­er has the fol­low­ing advan­tages and disadvantages.

    vitamix aer disc container 48 oz

    In addi­tion, the con­tain­er is equipped with 4″ blades per­ma­nent­ly inbuilt into the con­tain­er, so you do not need to remove them for cleaning. It comes with a clear plas­tic lid with 2 ounces capac­i­ty, which per­forms the vent­ing func­tions and could be removed for adding extra ingre­di­ents. The 64 ounces Wet con­tain­er has a wide bot­tom low pro­file shape and size of 10.2 x 9.6 x 7.4 inches. cur­rent­ly man­u­fac­tured for the Ascent series. There are only two WET types of con­tain­ers - 64 oz. Mix­ing bat­ters for pan­cakes and oth­ers and knead­ing the dough for bread and pizza.Heat­ing food for such tasks as soup prepar­ing, fon­due, hot choco­lates, and others.Pro­cess­ing thick mix­tures like nut but­ter, hum­mus, and others.Mix­ing and emul­si­fy­ing sal­ad dress­ing, may­on­naise, pesto, mari­nades, and oth­er tasks.Ice Cream and frozen dessert mak­ing, includ­ing the ice crushing/shaving.Blend­ing smooth­ies includ­ing green and with ice, whole juices.The wet con­tain­ers are designed to han­dle the fol­low­ing functions: Vitamix Ascent Wet Containers - 64 oz Wide Bottom and 48 oz Narrow Bottom Here, I will talk about the oper­a­tional qual­i­ties of the extra jars and who and how they could ben­e­fit from pur­chas­ing them.ĭis­clo­sure: As an Ama­zon Asso­ciate, we may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion for pur­chas­es you make when using the links on this page. The range of addi­tion­al con­tain­ers is designed to expand the func­tion­al­i­ty of Vita­mix Ascent blenders.


    Bowl con­tain­ers man­u­fac­tured for USA/Canada/Mexico use are not com­pat­i­ble with the 220–240 Ascent Series blenders (since “lid is on” detec­tion hard­ware applies to 110–120 and not to 220–240 volt­age system). The Vita­mix Ascent Series 110–120 V self–detect 64 oz. The Ascent Series Con­tain­ers are not com­pat­i­ble with the Clas­sic and Space Sav­ing blenders (Explo­ri­an E310, Explo­ri­an 320, 5200, 5300, 6300, 6500, 7500, 780, Aspire Series, Cre­ations Series, Pro­fes­sion­al Series 750, Total Nutri­tion Series, Tur­boBlend Series, S30, S50, S55). Unlike the Clas­sic and Space Sav­ing mod­els, the Ascent mod­el Self-Detect tech­nol­o­gy allows the Ascent blender base to rec­og­nize the type of con­tain­er and auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust blend­ing pro­grams and max­i­mum run­ning time depend­ing on con­tain­er type. Like all Clas­sic and Space Sav­ing con­tain­ers, the Ascent jars are made from tem­per­a­ture-resis­tant, shat­ter­proof, and light­weight Titan BPA-free copoly­ester mate­r­i­al pro­duced by USA East­man Company.

    Vitamix aer disc container 48 oz